Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Couple of Weeks Later

Almost two weeks after the nasty experience described in my last posting I powered up the 7900, and then set up as usual to make a single, small print. The nozzle check showed most of the LLK channel missing. I did a standard cleaning of the Y/LLK pair, after which a nozzle check showed 100%. The previously-problematic LC pattern was 100% both before and after that cleaning.

The machine printed normally, with none of the slow-down/delay described in that 16 February posting. The print looks as it should.

Just another Stylus Pro mystery that seems to have solved itself. These recent experiences are why it's hard to have much confidence in the printer, especially given its age. But life with a 7900 goes on, A couple of my inks had reached < 5% capacity, so I ordered replacements and will hope I can continue to print well into (and beyond!) the capacity of those inks.
