Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ink Update

After a long period of chilly and wet weather, conditions here have finally begun to swing toward summer; I've been very busy with outdoor chores and other good-weather responsibilities, and have done no printing in recent days. I have, however, squeezed in a little time to be out photographing locally. My last print job for a client was a week ago. Except for dealing with a stubborn clog in the VM channel, which required a "powerful" cleaning to clear, it was completely routine.

Today I received a large (for me) order of frames and mats from Documounts. I returned home from an errand to find a sixty pound (27kg) box on my front porch. Along with inventory already on hand, this should cover most of what I'll need for my summer shows. I'll be making a number of prints in coming weeks to fill those frames. Any additional framing I might need will be done by a local framer who's done a wonderful job in the past on some of my largest panoramas.

Update to my previous (8 June) posting: Yesterday I received the promised replacement Y ink from IT Supplies. The expiration date is March, 2014. I have not received the promised return shipping label for the Y ink they sent earlier, that being the one that expires in about two weeks.


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