Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mac Driver Version 9.17 Pulled From Epson U.S. Site

In my last two postings I mentioned a new Mac OS driver, version 9.17, from Epson. This replaced the previous version, 9.04. I noticed a couple of days ago that version 9.17 had been removed from Epson's U.S. site. Version 9.04 is once again the current version.

I emailed Epson's support:
A few days ago I found OS X driver version 9.14, dated 1 Nov 13, on this site (Epson, U.S.) I downloaded and installed it.
Checking now, I see that version is gone, and the previous release, 9.04, is shown. What's up? Was 9.17 pulled? Is there a problem with that? Should I uninstall and return to the older version?
This morning I received a response:
Dear Jay,

Thank you for contacting Epson regarding your Epson Stylus Pro 7900. It is my pleasure to respond to your inquiry.

It is ok to run the 9.14 version of the driver. They pulled this version off the site becacue they found issues with it when used with 10.9, the new Mavericks OS. It is ok however with the older systems.
As mentioned in my 8 November posting, after resolving an installation problem I've printed without issues with the 9.17 driver and OS X 10.8.5, Mountain Lion. As long as that continues I'll leave things as they are. I'd not be surprised to see a newer driver from Epson, a bug-fix for whatever issues they found with 9.17 on OS X 10.9, Mavericks.

As always, I waited several days after the new (9.17) driver was posted, giving me time to browse the Web to learn of any issues the early adopters might have had. I found none, so went ahead with the installation. Perhaps I should have waited longer.


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